Full Circle Martial Arts
Colorado's Premier Kids School
Serving Westminster & Fort Collins
Peace, Love & Martial Arts!
Patterns (Tuls) & Misc. Forms
Full Circle Martial Arts' Curriculum includes techniques for feet and hands, stances, mat work, forms and special
techniques from the arts of Tae Kwon Do, Jiu Jitsu, Judo, Kempo, Jaindochin, Wushu, and Okinawan weapons.
In Tae Kwon Do, patterns are called tuls.
White Belts studying for High White need these:
Right Four Directional Punch
Left Four Directional Punch
Right Four Directional Block
Left Four Directional Block
High White Belts studying for Gold need these:
Upper Body Armory
Chon Ji
3-Step Sparring w/out a partner
Gold Belts studying for High Gold:
Dan Gun
High Gold Belts studying for Green Belt:
Do San
Advanced 3-Step Sparring with a partner
Green Belts studying for High Green:
Won Hyo
R/L 4-Directional Thrust
Bo Staff form - Papa Haku Sho
2-Step Sparring with partner
For White Belt to High Red Belt you will need the Red Book
High Green Belts studying for Blue Belt:
Yul Guk
Advanced 2-Step Sparring
Blue Belts studying for High Blue:
Joong Gun
Wushu Stance Drill
Beginning 1-Step Sparring
High Blue Belts studying for Red:
Toe Gye
Tonfa Form - Tsun Kuwa
Intermediate 1-Step Sparring
Red Belts studying for High Red:
Hwa Rang
Advanced 1-Step Sparring
Beginning Model Sparring